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The True Price of Climate-Smart Coffee. Quantifying the potential impact of Climate-Smart Agriculture for Colombian Coffee

Solidaridad, True Price, and the SAFE Platform joined forces to create a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the costs and benefits of CSA.

In this report, new insights are drawn from the True Price methodology to define the social and environmental costs of coffee growing, such as water pollution or lack of social security, when included in the pricing of green coffee. 

The focus of this analysis is on Colombian smallholder farmers. The study is based on primary data collected from a group of 60 smallholder farmers in the state of Cauca who apply a set of sixteen CSA techniques.

The report concludes that CSA is more profitable and more cost-effective, but that some support to the farmers is necessary.

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Coffee and youth initiative mapping

This report provides an insight into a selection of programs focusing on coffee and youth across four countries in Central and South America: Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Colombia. Information was collected from resources and interviews with over 20 organizations representing various segments of the coffee sector: retail brands, roasters, traders, producer groups, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The intent of this report is to highlight some common concerns, gaps, and opportunities present across the sector, and to provide recommendations for moving forward to address this critical area of sustainability


Harvesting Transformation Magazine

From individual farm management plans to interactive guidebooks and step-by-step gender inclusion methodologies, this magazine is a trip around stories of change; narratives from what our partners are achieving, but also their challenges with the implementation of projects throughout coffee and cocoa communities in Latin America.


Coffee Barometer 2018

Here, we examine the recent series of acquisitions and mergers within the global coffee industry and track the main trends. We address the unequal power relations embedded in the global coffee value chain and the main factors creating stress for producers at farm level. In view of these challenges, we examine the sector’s strategies for change, as well as individual and collective efforts to transform coffee in a truly sustainable sector.

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Barómetro de Café 2018

En este Barómetro de café, examinamos el reciente auge en las adquisiciones y las fusiones y monitoreamos las principales tendencias. Investigamos las relaciones de poder arraigadas en la cadena de valor global del café y las causas fundamentales de los principales factores de estrés de la sostenibilidad. En vista de estos retos, examinaremos las estrategias de cambio del sector y los esfuerzos individuales y colectivos para crear un sector cafetero verdaderamente sostenible.


O Barômetro do Café 2018

Este é um resumo da edição mais recente do Barômetro do café, no qual são apontadas algumas lacunas enormes em nosso conhecimento coletivo que devem ser abordadas com urgência. Além disso, examina o recente boom nas aquisições e nas fusões, e monitora as principais tendências. Investiga as relações de poder arraigadas na cadeia de valor global do café e as causas fundamentais dos principais fatores de estresse da sustentabilidade. Tendo em vista esses desafios, são examinadas as estratégias de mudança do setor e os esforços individuais e coletivos para criar um setor cafeeiro verdadeiramente sustentável.


Baromètre du café

Dans cette nouvelle édition du Baromètre du café, nous mettons en exergue certains trous béants dans nos connaissances collectives, qu’il convient de rapidement colmater. Nous nous penchons sur le récent boom des acquisitions et des fusions et nous suivons les principales tendances. Nous étudions les rapports de forces enracinés dans la chaîne de valeur du café mondiale et la cause des principaux facteurs de stress en matière de durabilité. Au vu de ces défis, nous allons examiner les stratégies de changement du secteur, les efforts individuels et collectifs déployés pour créer un secteur du café réellement durable.